Collection: Snail Rolling Papers | No 1 European Rolling Papers

Our Team
The business as it is known today started out merely as a couple of enthusiasts looking to make high quality smoking papers with new, interesting designs that were a little bit different from the dull, mass produced items available at the time.

Over the years, Snail increased in popularity and expanded its operations. We now have over 50 people in our ‘family’, each working hard to produce some of the finest custom rolling paper booklets worldwide.

Our Origins
The story of Snail began in the early 90’s when a group of students became passionate about the idea of producing filter tips for joints, then selling these items to the public. This continued for about a decade or so.

In 1998 we released our first filter tips with wooden covers, and shortly after we launched our first rolling paper booklets – predominantly to the Amsterdam market. The success of this venture in conjunction with our passion for great design inspired us to develop our product range even further – eventually creating the website you see before you today.

Our Operations
We’re based in Ljubljana, Slovenia in Central Europe. All of our product materials are sourced from within Europe and we take great care to ensure each of these is of European origin.

As of 2016 we’ve produced more than 2000 unique designs of rolling paper for over 1000 satisfied clients, including music bands, artists, festivals, radio stations, clubs, bars and all other manner of businesses.